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- In order to plan ahead, we accept unreleased songs only.
- For a post feature, please submit at least a week before release.
- For a post feature, please include a press release or biography.
- We prefer Soundcloud links (will be featured on the HypeMachine).
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About Us
A few stats
- ~ 20k unique visits per month
- 30% of our visitors are from the UK, another 30% from the US
- 80% organic traffic
Indie is not a genre was started for a purpose: to not trust the hype. The name “Indie is not a genre” is more than a name, it’s a statement. It’s a statement to support independent and DIY artists against the common notion that all “indie” means is skinny jeans and electro-pop. Indie has become something of a landfill term for all kinds of bands because the major labels have realized that the label “indie” sells. “Indie” has become nothing but an overused prefix.
We are an independent source for new music from the UK, Australia, Canada and beyond. We cover the bands and artists that we love and support, not the ones we don’t like.
In music, independent music, often shortened to indie music or “indie” is a term used to describe independence from major commercial record labels or their subsidiaries, and an autonomous, Do-It-Yourself approach to recording and publishing.
– Wikipedia