Kele Okereke (Bloc Party) teams up with Olly Alexander (Years & Years)

Kele Okereke (Bloc Party) teams up with Olly Alexander (Years & Years)

Having recently announced his new album Fatherland, Kele Okereke today shares Grounds for Resentments, a duet with Olly Alexander of Years & Years. The new track is about the love of two men for each other. Kele recently talked about Grounds for Resentment with The Guardian:

I remember reading something that [Olly] wrote about the use of pronouns in pop music for gay artists that I thought that was very perceptive and intelligent – that the use of pronouns was the last frontier for gay artists […] So I was very happy to sing a romantic duet with him on my album, because I couldn’t think of a precedent of any out gay musicians singing a love song to one another without having to hide behind codes.

The record is his third as a solo artist albeit the first under his full name. While Kele’s precious solo efforts, The Boxer and Trick, have been mostly electronica, Fatherland sees the Bloc Party frontman venture into acoustic territory.

Kele’s lyrics are, as ever, perceptive and nakedly personal: a map of his consciousness as he squared up to the prospect of fatherhood – his daughter Savannah was born in December 2016.

I’m fully conscious that this record is probably going to serve as a document for Savannah of the relationship between her fathers and who we were before she came into our lives.

Kele Okereke recently went on a sold out acoustic tour across Europe and the UK. Fatherhood will be released on October 6th and is available to pre-order now.

Deborah Jacobs

Indie is not a Genre founder, SEO manager by trade. Prefers live music over recordings and intimate pub gigs over arena shows.

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